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Viewing Flow Details & Statistics

Once a flow is activated, you can view flow statistics, including:

  • How many flow runs are currently in progress

  • Clients who are currently making progress through a flow run

  • Clients who completed a flow run

Open the Flows app and select a flow to view the details.

You can view different details about the flow in several tabs.


The Details tab provides a preview of the flow. You can select Edit flow to edit the flow as needed.


The Statistics tab provides details on flow runs, flow goals, and marketing credits.

  • Currently running: This number includes flow runs currently in progress.

  • Canceled early: This number includes flow runs that were canceled early, either manually or by the appointment being deleted.

  • Completed: This number includes flow runs that were completed, either by completing the flow run or by reaching a goal.

  • Reached a goal: This includes the percentage of Completed flow runs that reached a goal. Clients will still have seven days after they complete a flow run to reach a goal.


The Runs tab provides details on individual flow runs, including the client’s name. To manually remove a client from a flow run, select Cancel next to the client.

  • If a client completed a flow run without reaching the goal, the Ended by column will say Completed.

  • If a client reached at least one goal before completing the flow run (or within seven days after), the Ended by column will say Goal Reached.

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