What makes Mangomint special?

There’s no shortage of salon and spa software out there and everyone promises to be the best. To make it easier to understand the difference, here’s a list of our core beliefs that shape how we build Mangomint.

1 No ugly software

We’re big fans of tools that are clean, intuitive, and don’t require much thought to use. That’s why we put a lot of effort into sweating the finer details of our user interface.

People tell us all the time that they love how pleasant and easy it is to use Mangomint.

No ugly software

2 Fast & reliable

Clean & beautiful design isn’t enough. Great software also needs to be fast. That's why our engineers spend an enormous amount of time (see what we did there?? 😉) making sure that every interaction takes 100ms or less.

None of this matters though if the system is down. That’s why we are proud of our engineering craftsmanship so that we can provide you with world-class reliability.

Fast & reliable

3 Saving costs is a real thing

Think about all the time you spend answering phone calls, following up with clients, checking people in. Mangomint has a solution to automate all of these (and more).

This could allow you to reduce the amount of people you need to run your business, simplifying operations and reducing costs.

Saving costs is a real thing

4 Aim to increase your profits

A good business creates healthy profits. We've made it our mission (yes, that’s literally our mission statement) to create tools that help you do just that.

Whether it’s through automating work, or increasing revenue with service customizations, better client retention, and fewer no-shows.

Aim to increase your profits

5 Full functionality from anywhere

It’s 2025, so why are some platforms still limiting what you can do from your phone?!?

Mangomint gives you access to all of your features from any device. Just the way it should be.

Full functionality from anywhere

6 Invisible by design

Other platforms run a marketplace and put their own brand first. Mangomint is committed to never doing that.

We believe that tech should be so seamlessly integrated into your business, it effectively disappears. If your clients don’t even realize that we are there, that’s when we know we succeeded.

Invisible by design

7 Human-first assistance

Mangomint isn't cheap and we know that. Our premium price allows us to have a team of highly trained experts in the U.S. and Canada that are available 7 days a week, 365 days per year, to answer questions and keep you going. We typically respond in 6 minutes or less.

Human-first assistance

8 We don’t hold you hostage

No one likes getting stuck in a contract or jumping through hoops to get access to their own data. That is, if you can even get it—most platforms won't give it you to you!

Over here at Mangomint, we don't do contracts. And in case you want to leave, just let us know and we'll give you a full export of your data.

We don’t hold you hostage

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Find out if Mangomint is right for you

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